I had the honor of attending the ‘OPUS ASIAE‘ online conference organised by the ‘Department of Planning Design Architecture Technology Sapienza Universitá di Roma‘ at 11.12.2020. In his lecture ‘Architectural projects for Asian cities‘, prof.dr. Mladen Jadric shared with the audience an overview of architectural projects in Asia in urban and rural context designed by his office JADRIC ARCHITEKTUR. These projects are the result of prof.dr. Jadric’s intensive international cooperations between Europe and Asia through teaching and working as an architect at both sides. The presented projects stood out deeply with their unique design and consideration of relevant architectural values with regards to local cultural qualities. The conference was uniquely enjoyable.
Prof.dr. Jadric ended his lecture with a quote by J.W. Goethe – ‘A clever man finds the best education while traveling‘.
Indeed, we can learn a lot from each other. Our society is formed from many different cultures. Every culture can offer us something unique. We need to be creative enough and find a way to combine the best from different cultures. That way we will all grow together.